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Preparing your own income tax return can be a head scratching task that leaves you with more questions than answers. But not to fret, we at eProTax we’ll handle the headache for you with our professional accounting and tax services. But why choose a professional tax filing company? Well, according to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (around 77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from rendering the services of a professional tax preparer.
Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be a convoluted mess. It is just too easy to overlook minor deductions and credits, which you are technically entitled to. Even if you use a computer software program, there’s really no substitute for the assistance of a seasoned and experienced tax professional.
If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, don’t worry! eProTax is here to help you. We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the current year, prepare a full Schedule C, as well as your personal income tax return. Then we’ll help you set up an easy system that allows you to manage your books and keep them in tip-top shape for next year.
If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your
bookkeeping, don’t worry. We can help you. We’ll prepare your
bookkeeping for the year, prepare a full Schedule C, as well as
your personal income tax return. Then we’ll help you set up an
easy system that allows you to keep your books in tip-top shape
next year.